The Anchor School


Aptly describe Benchill Schools. There are schools but Bunchil Schools occupies an enviable position among schools. The position occupied by the schools in the comity of schools is by no means hinged solely on its architectural masterpiece, serene environment, quality of staff, students and pupils and facilities but also on the vision and mission that gave birth to the school. An acclaimed centre of excellence as described by friends and parents as a school of safety and assured academic result, hence termed the ANCHOR SCHOOL.

The school has also started academic activities at its Egbokodo branch. All in the spirit of bringing Education close to the populance to fully actualize the mission and vision behind the establishment of the school. A two hundred and fifty seat hall ICT centre has been fully put in place to ensure smooth running for the 2017 JABM Examination.

By His grace, the school at present can boast of well qualified and dedicated teaching staff, pupils and students soaring by the day.

Our student teacher ratio which at present is about 1-10 ensures that every child receives individualized and personalized attention.

Our pioneer students whom we now present to the world are not only good ambassadors of the school but also blessing to Delta, Nigeria and the world.