School Policies


All fees should be paid during the holiday or latest by the end of the second week of resumption. Every pupils/students that has not paid after this time will not be allowed into the school compound. All fees are to be paid in our bank and tellers brought to school for the issuance of official receipt.


All pupils/students should be in school latest by 8:00am. Parents are to help their ward to be punctual and regular in school. Lateness will not be tolerated. Once a pupil/student has entered the school premises, he must remain till closing.

No loitering of pupil/student within and outside the school environment.

School Uniform

School uniform is uniquely designed for fitting and must be purchased in the school at a reasonable price. Parents are to purchase a pair each for their ward.

Textbooks And Notebooks

All recommended Textbooks and complete notebooks are compulsory learning materials that pupils/students must have.  These should be purchased in the school’s bookshop as the school has already made provision for the supply of these textbooks from the various publishers.  Any pupil/student that does not have a complete set of textbook and quantities of notebooks after the first week of resumption will not be allowed into the school compound as teaching and learning cannot be effective without the use of these materials.